National Apprenticeship Week - Meet Sade

Sade Seaford apprentice

This week, to celebrate ‘National Apprenticeship Week’ we are celebrating our apprentices and introducing them to you.

Meet Sade, one of our apprentices from our Seaford Nursery. We asked Sade why she choose to do an apprenticeship and what she loves about working with children.

1. Why did you want to do an apprenticeship in Early Years?

I have always loved working alongside children and the idea of learning many more skills on the job really appealed to me. 

2. What does a typical day at nursery look like?

Each day we follow an organised routine that works really well for the children, but everyday has a lot of different activities that are filled with fun. 

3. What is your favourite part of the day?

My favourite part of the day is greeting the children at the door and seeing their big smiles and excitement for the day ahead. 

4. What is the best part about working with children?

The best part of working with children is engaging with them whilst they have fun and explore. Also, seeing their joy when they have done something they've really enjoyed and being able to give them a lot of praise for it. 

5. Would you recommend doing an apprenticeship, and if so why?

Yes! Doing an apprenticeship is very rewarding. You can get stuck in and learn lots you wouldn't learn from a book. The experience you gain helps with the coursework too. 

6. Why did you choose to do your apprenticeship with Hopscotch?

When applying I saw the many great reviews Hopscotch had and thought it would be a great place to start my career in childcare. 

To find out more about our apprenticeship scheme, please visit our apprenticeship page.