Hopscotch Seaford 'Stay and Play' morning
We're excited to announce that our second - Family Event, will be held at our Seaford nursery next week!
Parents of children in the Under 2's room are invited to ‘Stay and Play’ for the morning on either Monday 5th February or Wednesday 7th February between 9 - 10 am. Come and explore sensory activities, farm animal inspired play, and discover the exciting - Babies Environment. Parents will get the opportunity to create a 'parent and me' Valentine's Day card, and to join inwith rhyme time.
If you’d like to come along, please email the nursery seaford@hopscotchmail.com to book your place. Places are limited so only one parent per child, and no siblings please.
We will be holding 'Stay and Play' sessions for the other rooms later in the month. We look forward to seeing you there!