Nursery for Older Babies

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Hopscotch nurseries older baby room 7

Life in the Yellow Room - ages 14-26 months

Older babies are developing their confidence in exploring what they can do. They will be mobile and move their bodies to show their excitement, interest or amusement as well as looking to explore wherever they can!

They will also be communicating with their family, friends and teachers more actively and clearly than before and their emotions will become more expressive. At our nurseries, we focus on these key areas to support their development at this important time of their life.

A Typical Day in the Yellow Room
8am - 8.30am Welcome and breakfast
8.30am - 9.25am Messy play to start the day!
9.25am - 9.35am Morning group time - either in the soft play room or our base room
9.35am - 9.55am Healthy snack time - fruit and cheese
9.55am - 10.45am Soft play area
10.45am - 11.25am Garden time
11.25am - 11.40am Group praise time and story time
11.40pm - 12pm Lunch
12pm - 2pm Nap time or 1:1 time
2pm - 2.30pm Friends free play time
2.30pm - 3pm Garden time
3pm - 3.10pm Music, dance and song time
3.10pm - 3.30pm Healthy snack time - hummus and breadsticks
3.30pm - 4.15pm Soft play to end the day!
4.15pm - 4.30pm Snack stop
4:30pm - 5pm Story time before home
5pm - 5:30pm Home time

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Hopscotch nurseries older baby room 6

Song and Dance

We plan a range of differing physical activities including music inspired movement, action songs and garden play to develop our children’s skills. We introduce children to activities which help them express themselves through movement and imagination and by experimenting with colours, textures and shapes. As children become more mobile we support more active exploration with time spent in our garden and soft play areas. We focus on activities that promote and encourage independence like climbing, catching and throwing. By setting achievable goals we help develop confidence and self-esteem.

Hopscotch nurseries older baby room 3

Sharing is Caring

At this stage we help children to understand their emotions and develop their bonds and relationships with their friends through care and empathy. We focus on helping them respond to the range of different emotions that they might experience themselves or they might see in their peers. We also focus on different emotions in books and stories, which help the children relate more easily to their own feelings and emotions, which is really important for developing emotional strength and resilience as they grow older.

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